Pricing Disclaimer

  •  is dedicated to providing the most accurate, up-to-the-minute information to our customers.
  • We reserve the right to change prices, specifications, and availability of products without prior notice. Product descriptions, photographs , technical information and specifications will be updated as manufacturers changes occur. Any typographical, photographic, or specification errors in product, pricing or offers is subject to correction.
  • In the event a product is listed at an incorrect price,  reserves the right to refuse or cancel the order. If an item's correct price is lower than our stated price, we will charge the lower amount and ship you the item.
  • If an item's correct price is higher than our stated price, we will cancel your order and notify you of the price error and order cancellation.
  • While we make every attempt to verify prices before charging your credit card. If your credit card has already been charged for the purchase and your order is canceled,  will issue a refund to your credit card within 5 - 7 business days.
  •  generates automatic e-mail order confirmation and response.
  • , as dictated by our suppliers and manufacturers reserves the right, to change pricing, availability, product description, and/or specification, after the confirmation and prior to product shipment.
  • If in the event such changes occur,  reserves the right to cancel order and notify the customer via email